

Establishment of strain measurement system for evaluation of strain effect in HTS tapes under magnetic field



The evaluation of the electromechanical properties of HTS CC tapes is one of the foremost procedures to be done to ensure the applicability of superconducting wires to electric devices. A precise measurement of the stress and strain is important in deriving the mechanical properties under operating environment. Up to now, there is no standard test method yet for the electromechanical property evaluation of HTS tapes under self field and external magnetic field although there are already reports on the different devices used to evaluate these properties. Strain can be measured by adopting a strain gauge or a high resolution double extensometer. In this study, strain effect on Ic in HTS CC tapes under magnetic fields was evaluated. Comparison of advantages and setback of strain measuring devices were discussed. In addition, a dual strain measurement system using both the SG and extensometer may be practical to lessen the burden in case one of the measuring devices does not work well.




  • Marlon J. Dedicatoria Department ofMechanical Design Engineering, Andong National University
  • Hyung-Seop Shin Department ofMechanical Design Engineering, Andong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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