

La signification théologique de la psychanalyse: La psychanalyse au service de la spiritualité et de la cure d'âme


An, Seok

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper inquires into spirituality, particularly christian spirituality from a psychoanalytic perspective and examines the benefits and the limits of this psychoanalytic reflection on the subject matter. In order to do so, we scrutinize the psychoanalytic understanding of spirituality and pastoral counseling. Our aim is to offer to pastoral theologians some subjects of research which might be helpful for the understanding of the Human mind and unconsciousness. We think that Freudian psychoanalysis and Jungian analytical psychology have contributed greatly to research work done on pastoral counseling, christian spirituality even though we are not a psychoanalyst our-self. We have shown how knowledge of the mind developed by Freud’s psychoanalysis and by Jung’s analytical psychology can be helpful for pastoral care and for the study of spirituality. We discuss how these psychoanalytic and analytical psychological approaches to the phenomenon of spirituality can be employed in the context of pastoral counseling and their limitations as well.


I. Introduction
 II. Une Psychanalyse Pourquoi?
  1. La psychanalyse au service de la spiritualité
  2. La philosophie de l’inconscient contre la philosophie de la conscience: point de vue historique 
 III. Deux exemples d’interprétation théologique de la psychanalyse
  1. La psychanalyse évaluée dans sa dimension théorique: Paul Tillich
  2. La psychanalyse évaluée dans sa dimension pratique: Bernard Kaempf
 IV. Freud ou Jung?: Une occasion de tirer profit des deux à la fois
 V. Conclusion


  • An, Seok Professor of Seoul Christian University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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