

An Exploration of Womanist Pastoral Theology in the Korean Context


Chung, Heesung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the rapid development of pastoral counseling studies in Korea, many pastoral theologians have been mainly involved in the two main jobs. One is to introduce various theories and skills of the Western pastoral counseling. The other is to explore Korean resources of pastoral counseling. Under the circumstances, not only psychologists but also pastoral theologians are actively studied. Native emotions of han or jeong has been widely discussed. In comparison with these, feminist or womanist perspectives have not been actively explored in the Korean pastoral context. This paper intended to explore the pastoral theology for Korean women with the appreciation of the cultural differences from the womanist perspective. This paper took special notices of cultural differences of Korean women such as sex, class, and race. The following issues were briefly discussed: theological foundation, the uses of the Biblical resources and the cultural-religious resources, and the counseling issues for the construction of womanist pastoral theology in Korea.


I. Introduction
 II. Theoretical foundations
 III. Uses of the Biblical Resources
 IV. Uses of Religious-Cultural Resources
 V. Counseling Issues


  • Chung, Heesung Professor of Ewha Womans University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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