


宋代 自然災害의 增加와 國家의 救濟活動


Increase of Natural Disasters and Relief Works of the State in the Song Dynasty

송대 자연재해의 증가와 국가의 구제활동


전북사학회 전북사학 제39호 2011.10 pp.339-367
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This dissertation looks at the reason for the increase in natural disasters during the Song dynasty, the affect it had on the Song society, and what kind of relief works were implemented to procure social stability in the face of natural disasters. The Song dynasty was exposed to explosive levels of natural disasters from the very beginning. Natural factors, such as short term climate changes, combined with the reckless cultivation of waste lands, rivers, streams, and lake areas following the rapid increase in population as well as the serious destruction of forestry resources for military purposes, culminated in frequent natural disasters. The fact that the people are frequently exposed to disasters is directly linked to issues of national finances, as well as overall social stability such as order in the countryside communities and public order etc. The Song government implemented various rescue policies enabling victim refugees of disasters to return to their occupations with stability. Officials of regions through which refugees pass were obliged to rescue them and then issued passes to return them to their homelands. They also took certain measures to enable them to normally return to their livelihoods after going back to their homes. Various rescue policies such as tax cuts for previously defaulted taxes, provision of farmland with or free of charge, breaks from previously unpaid taxes and interest, reductions or exemptions from various taxes and compulsory labor for certain periods, and the rental of seeds and farming equipment were implemented. Meanwhile, the Song government built storage facilities in each region in case of famine caused by natural disasters to store food and provide it to flood victims. The storage facilities of the Song dynasty can largely be divided into two types. First, there were facilities built by direct order of the Song government and subjugated to the central government in the administrative system. Second, there were facilities built, managed, and secured voluntarily by the communities. Examples of the former are Sangpyeongchang(常平倉), Yichang(義倉), Gwanghyechang(廣惠倉) etc. However, as the national economy began to deteriorate in the mid North Song dynasty, the fiscal status of these storage facilities also deteriorated and their functionality as rescue facilities were undermined. What is more, as time went by harmful usages deviating from the original purposes of these facilities, such as the borrowing or diverting of what funds were left, became common. As such the government became more active in the management and supervision of the operation of such rescue facilities through the inspection agencies such as the Jeonwoonsa(轉運司), Jejeomhyeongoksa(提點刑獄司) etc. These measures, however, acted as factors that actually made administrative processes and procedures more troublesome and complicated. So an important factor in the efficacy of aid administration, swiftness, was lacking. Since the mid South Song dynasty, the rescue facilities of the government gradually lost functionality and left gaps in aid administration. We can say that the local communities developed various independent rescue options to secure the stability and order of local communities and fill this gap in national policy.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 기후변화와 자연재해의 증가
 Ⅲ. 罹災·流民의 증가와 국가의 구제 활동
 Ⅳ. 국가 구제기구의 설립과 구제활동
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김대기 Kim, Dae-GI. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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