


『高麗史』에 나타나는 宋商과 宋都綱 -特히 宋都綱의 性格 解明을 中心으로-


Characteristics of Songshang(宋商) and Songdugang(宋都綱) presented in the Koryosa(高麗史)

『고려사』에 나타나는 송상과 송도강 -특히 송도강의 성격 해명을 중심으로-


전북사학회 전북사학 제39호 2011.10 pp.313-337
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Koryosa(高麗史), there was record described for Songshang(宋商) and Songdugang(宋都綱), but any reference about them was not written. Consequently, so far we have understood Songshang and Songdugang as a same thing. In this study, I reexamined the characteristics between Songshang and Songdugang respectively, in order to clarify the vague characteristic of Songdugang. Followings are the characteristics of Song's marine merchants described in historical materials. In case of Songshang, they made a voyage as merchants to sell the products to Koryo(高麗). Among them, Some were ship's owner but others lent a ship from ship's owner. Meantime Dugang(都綱) had three characteristics in historical materials. First, Dugang was related to ship's owner. Second, in Dugang, owners boarded their ship in person commanding sailors. Third, Dugang was always related with shipping in historical materials. Therefore regardless of ship ownership, Songshang(宋商) can be designated merchant selling goods, Songdugang(宋都綱) can be businessmen only shipping and commanding their sailors. By the way September 1085(元豊8年), in Northern Song, Shenjong(神宗) government permitted officially their marine merchants to do shipping trade to foreign envoys and foreign merchants. As a result some Song's ship owners gave up selling goods and then converted their types of business into shipping trade. So Koryo distinguished Songshang as a seller to come to sell their goods, from Songdugang coming to do shipping trade respectively.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 宋商과 宋都綱의 來航
 Ⅲ. 宋商과 宋都綱의 性格
 Ⅳ. 海上交易과 宋都綱의 活動
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김영제 Kim Youngjae. 檀國大 歷史學科


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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