


한말 호남지방 야학운동과 사회교육적 성격


The free night-school movement & characteristic of social-education in Honam area during the Great Han Empire


전북사학회 전북사학 제39호 2011.10 pp.217-246
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The opening of ports and mission works of foreign missionaries made a chance for koreans to feel strongly the changing realities of the times through the contact with exotic cultures. And they led to the birth of 'school' which was a new educational organization and a symbol of modern time. Modern education was regarded as an urgent problem to make the country wealthy and powerful. But its result was not successful. The free night-school movement in Honam area since the Eulsa illegal treaty was progressed as rapidly as regular elementary schools. Koreans' strong desire for learning and education was main cause of the movement. Many Koreans could not but depended on night schools for children education because of the burden of much tuition in regular school. Especially, a free night-school was 'a lamp for hope' to many working students. They could learn foreign languages and get economic benefits by acquiring the linguistic ability. It's safe to say that most leaders of the movement were members of enlightenment organizations and local government officers who were engaged as members of Daehanhyuphoe or Honam academic society. They aimed for the accomplishment of a civilized society based on the theory of social revolution. Their ultimate goal was to give common koreans the minimal knowledge required to be 'people of a modern nation'. So main subjects were focused on the elementary education. But it caused some negative evaluation of free night-schools. Some free night-schools didn't stop just giving knowledge. They tried to improve koreans' daily lives and encourage the consciousness of people. Especially, they condemned Iljinhoe and the corruption of local government officers. They also took part in the compensation movement of national dept in 1907.The organization of common people and collection of public opinion were historical results by their various experiences. The free night-school movement of Honam area in the latter era of the Choseon Dynasty was one of the main causes to realize the public interests. These are just why we should focus on the free night-school movement here.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 계몽단체 활동과 인식변화
 Ⅲ. 전개양상과 지역운동사적 특성
  1. 전개양상과 야학 설립현황
  2. 야학운동에 나타난 지역운동사적 특성
 Ⅳ. 운영주체와 사회교육적 성격
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김형목 Kim, Hyung-Mog. 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 선임연구위원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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