


고구려 지배계층의 신분구성에 관한 試論 - 복식·관제 기사 검토를 중심으로-


Attempting paper about the Status composition of Koguryeo’s ruling classes


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study will reveal a side of the Koguryeo’s caste system. To do this, comprehensively examined Samguksagi(󰡔三國史記󰡕) and Chinese historical record(中國 史書) related Bureaucracy(官制) and Color garments(色服) system. However, the records was limited, because the records about the rulers. So in this paper speculated status composition centered on the ruling classes. A result of the study, nobility of Koguryeo were divided four layers. The first, top class is the Royal family. These are uses hats made ​​of white silk(백라관 白羅冠), status as a top layer. The next class is high nobility. They were prescious status among the nobility, using hats made of blue silk(청라관 靑羅冠). The following is mid aristocracy. They were used hats made of red silk(자라관 紫羅冠; 비라관 緋羅冠; 강라관 絳羅冠), that was using the most of Koguryo officials. As the last layer, General officials used hats plugged feathers(새 깃털을 꽂은 절풍 折風 傍揷鳥羽). Each of these layers be appointed status was limited to the Official hierarchy(관등 官等). The Royal family and high nobility using white and blue silk hats were possible to appointed from sixth rank to first rank. Mid aristocracy using red silk hats were possible to appointed from thirteenth rank to seventh rank. General officials were possible to appointed to fourteenth rank. The difference between the fourth rank and fifth rank is the kindred difference between the Royal family and Nobilty. Koguryeo's caste system has been alienated from the existing research. Because historical data was poor. However, a more careful review of the current inherited data, that will become a basic understanding. In the future, expect more intensified research.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 『삼국사기』직관지 고구려 관제 기사의 검토
 Ⅲ. 신분별 복식 관계 기사의 검토
 Ⅳ. 고구려 관직-관등 관계의 검토
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 최희수 Choi, Hee-soo. 상명대학교 역사콘텐츠학과 강사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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