

High Performance FPGA Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Adder/Subtractor



Floating Point (FP) arithmetic is widely used in large set of scientific and signal processing computation. Adder/subtractor is one of the common arithmetic operation in these computation. The design of FP adder/subtractor is relatively complex than other FP arithmetic operations. This paper has shown an efficient implementation of adder/subtractor module on a reconfigurable plat-form, which is both area as well as performance optimal. The proposed design has optimized the individual complex components of adder module (like dynamic shifter, leading one detector (LOD), priority encoder), to achieve the better overall implementation. Comparison with the best reported work has been shown in the paper, which proves the merits of proposed design.


 1: Introduction
 2: Background
 3: Adder/Subtractor Design
  3.1: Dynamic Shifter Design
  3.2: LOD Design
  3.3: Sign and Exponent Computation
  3.4: Normalization and Rounding
  3.5: Exceptional Case Handling
 4: Implementation Details
 5: Result Comparison & Discussion
 6: Conclusion


  • Manish Kumar Jaiswal Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
  • Ray C.C. Cheung Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong


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