In this paper, we present an improved version of an identity-based identification scheme based on error-correcting codes. Our scheme combines the Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier signature scheme using quasi-dyadic codes (QD-CFS) proposed in [2] and the identification scheme by Stern [18]. Following the construction proposed in [5], we obtain an identity-based identification scheme which has the advantage to reduce a public data size, the communication complexity and the signature length.
1 Introduction
2 Background of coding theory
2.1 Quasi-dyadic codes
2.2 Usual attacks
3 Identity-based identification and signature scheme
3.1 Description of CFS signature scheme
3.2 Description of the Stern identification scheme
3.3 Identity based identification (IBI) protocol
4 Identity-based identification using quasi-dyadic codes
4.1 Quasi-dyadic codes for CFS signature
4.2 Improved identity-based identification and signature schemes using quasi-dyadic Goppa codes (QD-IBI)
5 Conclusion
1 Introduction
2 Background of coding theory
2.1 Quasi-dyadic codes
2.2 Usual attacks
3 Identity-based identification and signature scheme
3.1 Description of CFS signature scheme
3.2 Description of the Stern identification scheme
3.3 Identity based identification (IBI) protocol
4 Identity-based identification using quasi-dyadic codes
4.1 Quasi-dyadic codes for CFS signature
4.2 Improved identity-based identification and signature schemes using quasi-dyadic Goppa codes (QD-IBI)
5 Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보