A Study to improve the safe-activities and the awareness of the Industrial Safety & Health law in small business worker.(Focused on the Gwangju industrial complex)
The government separated and established the industrial safety and health law from the Labor Standard law since 1981 to promote the labor's working environment and to improve the conditions of laborers. The government made a lot of effort to discharge the industrial safety and health law by continuous revision of the law thereafter. it is, however, difficult to establish clear-cut lines of authority and responsibility due to the fact that the substantial application of the industrial safety and health law is adapted by enterprise's autonomous management. There are frequent industrial disasters on the small and medium enterprises which have financial difficulty and it means this causes much more social cost. Finally, for the improvement of laborer's safety, health and working environment in the small and medium enterprises we need to raise the effectiveness of the industrial safety and health law through enhancing a government-office's administration and surveillance with the changing mind of a business proprietor. On this paper, we research on the actual condition of the administration, inspection and regulation of safety and health by means of the industrial safety and health law. Thereafter we analyze how much the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency and vicarious businesses of safety & health management help. we used the survey method to gather data from 380 laborers directly and analysed the data by SPSS v17.0.
1. 서론
1-1. 연구배경
1-2. 연구대상 및 방법
1-3. 연구모형
2. 안전보건활동 기관 현황
2-1. 정부기관
2-2. 대행업체
2-3. 자체활동기구
3. 연구 분석
3-1. 산업안전보건법에 대한 지식 및 안전 활동 수준
3-2. 사업장 작업환경 수준
3-3. 보호구 및 방호 장치, 작업조건 수준
3-4. 지원 기관에 대한 인식도, 만족도
3-5. 산업안전보건법 처벌 및 규재
4. 종합적 분석 결과
5. 결론
6. 참고문헌