The environment and growth of market in Robot Industry
The information technology intensive society rapidly moves from manufacturing industry to information technology industry. This paradigm of Robot is depending on intelligent Robot instead of labor. The conventional Robot worked through environmental variation and shift of job. This Robot is unactively response to men's mandate. And, this Robot have had iterative jobs through manipulation of men. But, this intelligent Robot have new technology through society paradigm shift. The outstanding feature of this Robot is perception function and cognition, mobility and manipulation. The definition of original Robot means forceful and tedious, slavery job. This is from robota, robotnick of the Czech Republic. Karel Capek, a playwriter of the Czech Republic use of this letter at 'Rossum's Universal Robots'.
1. 서론
2. 로봇산업의 정의
3. 산업의 위상
3.1 구체적 수치를 통한 산업의 위상 비교 분석
3.2 향후 추진되어야할 자료 조사 과제 분야
4. 요약 및 결론
5. 참고문헌