

Session 2 : 안전품질경영, 좌장 : 박명규(명지대학교)

기대손실함수를 이용한 다특성치 공정능력지수에 관한 연구


A Study on Multiple Characteristics Process Capability Index using Expected Loss Function

김수열, 조용욱, 박명규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Process capability indices are widely used in industries and quality assurance system. When designing the parameter on the multiple quality characteristics, there has been a study for optimization of problems, but there has been few former study on the possible conflicting phenomena in considertion of the correlations among the characteristics. To solve the issue on the optimal design for multiple quality characteristics, the study propose the expected loss function with cross-product terms among the characteristics and derived range of the coefficients of terms. Therefore, the analysis have to be required a multivariate statistical technique. This paper introduces to multivariate capability indices and then selects a multivariate process capability index incorporated both the process variation and the process deviation from target among these indices under the multivariate normal distribution. We propose a new multivariate capability index MCpm using quality loss function instead of the process variation and this index is compared with the proposed indices when quality characteristics are independent and dependent of each other.


 1. 서론
 2. 공정평가척도에 관한 이론적 고찰
  2.1 전통적인 6δ개념의 공정능력지수
  2.2 다특성치 공정능력지수
  2.3 손실함수
 3. 기대손실함수를 이용한 다특성치 공정능력지수
  3.1 연구의 범위와 가정
  3.2 다특성치 공정능력지수 MCpm ++모형의 개발
  3.3 다특성치 기대손실함수
  3.4 다특성치 기대손실함수의 확장
  3.5 다특성치의 상관관계를 고려한 기대손실함수 MCpm ++
 4. 추후연구과제


  • 김수열 명지대학교 산업공학과
  • 조용욱 인덕대학 산업공학과
  • 박명규 명지대학교 산업공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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