

이중섭의 회화 공간과 김춘수의 시 공간 비교 -서귀포를 중심으로


Comparison of the space in Lee Joong Sub’s paintings and the space in Kim Choon Soo’s poems -With an emphasis on Seogwipo


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Inherent in the space created by an artist is the emotion or onsciousness of the artist. The meaning of an art, which is manifested by the way the artist recognizes the space, makes it possible for us to glimpse into the artist’s world view or his values. When we consider the association between the space recognition and the work of art, a comparative study on an identical space in different enres of art has all the more significance. The connection between literature and painting, apart from the fact that they have a common origin in art, is inter-textual, and a mutual exchange from literature to paintings, and vice versa, is becoming more and more active. Lee Joong Sub was an artist who led a tragic life. Although he didn’t leave a large volume of work, he was an artist who showed a unique style of art during a period of war. Although they were painted duringa wartime, his paintings while he was in Seogwipo are expressed as a place where he feels calm and comfortable while spends joyous time with his family after a long time of life’s troubles and hardship. Subject matters such as children, birds, ocean, or crabs display his soft touch and sketch a fantastic, colorful imaginative world. Such a world of imagination is the writer’s fantastic utopian paradise. Seogwipo is to Lee Joong Sub a happy place of peace that is shared together with his family and a place that is manifested as a world of paradise in his dreams. Kim Choon Soo chose Lee Joong Sub as the subject of his poems because he regarded him as a true artist of innocence and sadness, and he agreed with Kim Choon Soo’s poetic world view, which regarded playful esthetics as the essence of poetry. The space called Seogwipo painted by Lee Joong Sub is embodied in different ways in Kim Choon Soo’s poems. Seogwipo that appears in a series of poems by Kim Choon Soo is not a space that displays peace shared with family and a positive world that is warm and peaceful. Seogwipo in Kim Choon Soo’s poems is not a space shared with his family, but a space where he is separated from his wife, and in his poems, his longing toward his wife is expressed as sadness and loneliness. Among Kim Choon Soo’s poems, a series of poems with Lee Joong Sub as the subject matter express his love and longing toward his wife and is embodied as a space that expresses his loneliness and lonesomeness.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 이중섭 회화에 나타난 서귀포
  1) 평안과 긍정의 공간
  2) 낙원의 세계
 3. 김춘수의 이중섭 연작시에서의 서귀포
  1) 아내를 향한 그리움의 공간
  2) 고독과 외로움의 공간
 4. 맺는 말


  • 이세경 Lee, Sei-Kyung. 단국대학교 교양학부 강의전담 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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