Trends of Disassembly Technique on End of Life Vehicle
In the last year, the number of registered vehicles in Korea surpassed the 12 million mark, and increase in number continuously Nowdays, this tendency has raised some problems inevitably in the view of expansion of ELV(end of life vehicle) and earth environment pollution resulted from it. For the proper scope with this environment pollution, recycling of parts and materials, minimization of wastes are desirable. And application of disassembly technology is required for it necessarily. Therefore it is essential to study systematically about disassembly technology of ELV with high efficiency for improvement recycling ratio and diminution shredder dust amount also in Korea.
1. 서론
2. 폐자동차 해체절차
3. 해체기술 개발의 필요성
4. 외국의 해체기술 동향
5. 국내의 해체기술 동향
6. 결론