

Session 11 : 안전관리 III

대중음악이 뇌파에 미치는 영향


Effects of Auditory Stimuli Using Pop Music on EEG

이동형, 남경돈, 최현재

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the auditory stimulation using pop music on EEG. The subjects in the study were eight healthy university students; five men and three women, age group of 22-28 years old. EEGs were measured for one minute at 19 channels, according to the international 10-20 system method, after both pop musics which the subject likes and not were provided with 100% and 50% volume of standard value, respectively, and the ratio of β/σ was obtained. As a result, when the subjects heard their favorite music, the values of β/σ ratio at the Right-Parietal.Temporal.Occipital lob(T6, O2) showed to be lower than stable state in the situation with 50% volume of standard value.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험
  2.1 피험자
  2.2 측정 및 자극
  2.3 실험절차
  2.4 분석 방법
 3. 실험 결과
 4. 결론 및 토의


  • 이동형 Lee, Dong Hyung. 대전산업대학교 산업공학과
  • 남경돈 Nam, Kyung Don. 대전산업대학교 산업공학과
  • 최현재 Choi, Hyun Jae. 대전산업대학교 산업공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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