

Session 3 : 생산관리 I

국내의 안정적 전력 수급 확보 방안



Recently Korea has been achieved highly effective economic growth but it has triggered the high demands of Energy and it makes running out of energy. In addition to the recent oil shock has driven the republic of Korea in hot water. The main reason is that the most electricity production system is based on the heating generation. Accordingly, for the demands of domestic electricity, the generation of electricity(water power, heating power and atomic energy) should be constructed as a pending problem. Especially, the Korea which has very distinctive four seasons might have many problems to establish the generating systems. This study Provides the gate to be out of the energy Problem as a result of the construction of our proper generating systems.


 I. 序論
 II. 本論
 III. 結論


  • 유종철 충주대학교 전기공학과 교수, 명지대 산업공 박사과정
  • 박명규 명지대학교 산업공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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