

Session 12 : 의사결정과 응용

New Geometric modeling method: reconstruction of surface using Reverse Engineering techniques



In reverse engineering area, it is rapidly developing reconstruction of surfaces from scanning or digitizing data, but geometric models of existing objects unavailable many industries. This paper describes new methodology of reverse engineering area, good strategies and important algorithms in reverse engineering area. Furthermore, proposing reconstruction of surface technique is presented. A method find base geometry and blending surface between them. Each based geometry is divided by triangular patch which are compared their normal vector for face grouping. Each group is categorized analytical surface such as a part of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, and the plane that mean each based geometry surface. And then, each based geometry surface is implemented infinitive surface. Infinitive average surface's intersections are trimmed boundary representation model reconstruction. This method has several benefits such as the time efficiency and automatic functional modeling system in reverse engineering. Especially, it can be applied 3D scanner and 3D copier.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methodology
  2.1 Primary Algorithm
  2.2 Data structure
 3. Implementation of the Result
 4. Conclusions


  • Jihan Seo Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Myongji College

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