

Session 7 : 산업안전과 교육

순간 정전시 산업안전용 보조전원 역할의 Super Capacitor에 관한 연구


Study of Back-Up Electric Power Source as a Role for Instant Power Industry Safety by Super Capacitor

김상길, 김종철, 허진우, 김경민, 이용욱, 강안수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A new type of capacitor named "Super Capacitor" has been developed, in which the properties of electric double layer formed at the interface of activated carbon electrode- liquid organic electrolyte is applied. This capacitor is small In size, light in weight, wide In temperature range(-25~70℃), large in charge-discharge capability and good in voltage preservation. And this super capacitor is applied as a power back-up for electricity failure in volatile memory devices etc., a power source for a short time and a power source for operating actuators. At present the development of high power back-up types of the capacitor system and improvement of their characteristics are being actively conducted in order to find wider applications.lications.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
 3. 실험방법
 4. 실험결과
 5. 결론


  • 김상길 SANG-GIL KIM. 명지대학교 화학공학과
  • 김종철 JONG-CHUL KIM. 명지대학교 화학공학과
  • 허진우 JIN-WOO HUR. 명지대학교 화학공학과
  • 김경민 KYUNG-MIN KIM. 명지대학교 화학공학과
  • 이용욱 YONG-WOOK LEE. 명지대학교 화학공학과
  • 강안수 AN-SOO KANG. 명지대학교 화학공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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