

Poster Abstracts

Neuron Differentiation Condition of Human Adipose Tissue Derived Stem Cells



Stem cell therapy is undoubtedly the most promising therapeutic approach for neurological disorders. Adipose tissue is ubiquitous and it can be easily harvested in large quantities under local anesthesia with little patient discomfort, making adipose tissue into the ideal large-scale source for research on clinical applications. In this study we monitored the neuronal cell differentiation potential of human adipocyte in the following condition; i) N2 medium containing 200 uM ascorbic acid (AA) and/or 10 uM flavonoid (F) and ⅱ) N2 medium containing AA and/or 10 ng/ml brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and/or, 200 ng/ml sonic hedgehog (SHH) plus 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 8. Adipose stem cells were cultured in above described differentiation condition for three weeks. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the mRNA levels of neuronal cell markers in differentiated adipose stem cells. Under the culture condition using N2 medium containing AA, the expression level of nestin (neural progenitor marker) m- RNA was high in all groups, while those of Neuro D, and LEP and FABP4 (adipocyte marker) mRNA were significantly decreased. Also, the addition of BDNF or SHH+FGF8 in N2 medium containing AA enhanced the neural cell differentiation from adipose stem cells, the expression level of Map2 (mature neuron) mRNA was increased, and that of TH (dopaminergic neuron marker) mRNA was high. In addition, we confirmed that the flavonoid addition has effect on the increase of Map2 expression. These results demonstrate that our designed culture condition has effect on the neural cell differentiation of adipose stem cells and this stimulatory effect may be further enhanced by transplantation.


  • Eun Hyung Noh Jeju National University Stem Cell Research Center, Jeju National University
  • Hyo Young Park Mirae Biotech, Jeju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Eun Young Kim Mirae Biotech, Jeju National University Stem Cell Research Center
  • Se Pill Park Mirae Biotech, Jeju National University Stem Cell Research Center, Jeju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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