This paper presents a social network analysis (SNA) of the recommender system research area based on relations of co-authorship. A collaborative 10 year data set of 192published papers in the top 125 MIS journals database was analyzed. In order to identify relation of co-authorship, this study performed centrality, centralization, and key player analysis. The results represented in this paper have significant implication. First, through betweenness centralization score, we find that oligopolies of the co-author network by several recommender systems researchers are still remaining. Second, through centrality scores, we discover that Kim, J. K and Zhu, X and Gil-Solla, seem to be very popular and influential individuals. But they are closely followed by a number of other popular individuals. Finally, Our research result will provide the practitioner and academic with guideline for future research on recommender systems.
Related work
1. Data collection
2. Matrix by co-authorship
Network analysis
1. Centralization and Centrality
2. Key player analysis
1. Centralization accordance with period
2. Centrality alters accordance with period
3. Key player analysis
Conclusion and Future work