


슬관절 근력의 등장성 운동과 등속성 운동의 비교


The Comparison of Isotonic Exercise and Isokinetic Exercise on Knee Muscular Strength

김종선, 최현회

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Training exclusively with isokinetic contractions type can result in greater muscular adaptations than training with isotonic contractions type. We aimed to determine whether training-induced increases in knee muscular strength differed between muscles performing isokinetic contractions type and isotonic contractions type when total external work is equivalent. The 16 healthy young males(8 isotonic exercise group(ITG), 8 isokinetic exercise(IKG)) completed a 8-week isokinetic and isotonic training program of the knee muscle. The isotonic knee muscle were trained using the knee extension(seated), knee flexion(prone), hip abduction, hip adduction, terminal hip flexion, terminal hip extension and isotonic contraction with the resistance set at 50% of the previously recorded maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Isokinetic knee muscle trained using velocity spectrum(two sets of 4 repetitions at each speed:60°/S, 90°/S, two sets of 6 repetitions at each speed:120°/S 150°/S, two sets of 8 repetitions at each speed:180°/S). Both training groups trained using a exercise 3 days a week for 8 week. The change of muscle strength of leg flexion and extension were measured with a CYBEX NORMTM and to examine concentric maximal isokinetic strength 60°/S, 180°/S. For the data analysis of the study results, technical statistics was calculated using the SPSS 13.0 statistic program, and the two-way repeated analysis of variance(Two-way repeated ANOVA) was conducted. The result were as followings. The peak torque/BW between training stages in time of flexion, extension 60°/S, 180°/S(left, right) showed great significant difference(p<0.05) but between groups showed no significant difference. The total work between training stages in time of flexion, extension 60°/S, 180°/S(left, right) showed great significant difference(p<0.05) but between groups showed no significant difference. This study confirmed that isotonic training has been reported to be equal to or more effecitive than isokinetic training in which muscle contraction are similar to functional movement.


  1. 연구의 필요성
 연구 방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 실험 절차 및 측정 방법
  3. 자료처리
  1. 체중 당 최대 토크 결과
  2. 총 일량 결과


  • 김종선 Kim, Jong-Sun. 단국대학교
  • 최현회 Choi Hyun-Hee. 동서대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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