

1920~30년대 ‘성과학’ 담론과 ‘이성애 규범성’의 탄생


A Study on the ‘Sexology’ and the Construction of ‘Heterosexuality’ in the Colonized Korea 1920~1930

Cha Min Jung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During the 1920s and 1930 in Korea, the concepts of “woman”, “man” and “heterosexual system” in a modern sense were being newly constructed while the colonial disciplinary power, medical power, and the capitalistic consumerism. By analyzing the representations of the typical features that constituted the boundary of the ‘Heterosexuality’ discourse―pervert, hermaphrodite, transvestite, and female homosexual’s, this study examines the dynamics of the construction of normal man and woman. Especially, this study focuses on the ways in which the discipline functions to produce the binary gender norms. Examining the construction of the boundaries of “heterosexual system”, “woman” and “man” by the matter of “pervert” sexuality in the 1920s and 1930s, this study reveals the historicity of “heterosexism” as a modern construction.


I. 조선의 성과학과 이성애 규범성의 확립
 II. '변태성욕자'의 탄생
  1) '변태성욕'의 등장
  2) "변태성욕자", 서사와 내면성의 창조
  3) 여성동성애의 병리화
 III. 젠더도해의 강화 : 성차의 재확립
 IV. 결론


  • Cha Min Jung Ewha Womans University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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