

Group Drawing Therapy as Developed from the Tree Test



Group drawing therapy is performed in various ways, depending on its subject and purpose. Some types of group therapy provide fairly loose frameworks requiring no mandatory participation, while others are stricter in this requirement. In this presentation, we intend to introduce the former therapeutic method. Looser therapeutic frameworks are likely to promote more positive participation of clients. In this regard, the purposes of our therapeutic method are to give each participant experience as a member of a group and to encourage self-insight through his/hers interactions with the therapist and other participants. In this way, it is expected that the therapist may be able to understand the state of each participant’s mind through his/her drawing and become aware, by means of language, what is described in the drawing.


 Technique Description
 The Drawing Factor
 The Language Factor
 Study 1
 Process (cf. Fig. Story Matrix)
 Study 2
 Analysis Method


  • Tamotu Sakaki 일본 프론티어 대학원 교수
  • Noriko Koyama 일본 프론티어 대학 인간사회학부 조교
  • Satoko Kunihiro NPO법인 정신건강 연구소 연구원


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