


태국 범룽랏 병원(Bumrungrad Hospital)의 성공요인과 마케팅 전략


Success Factors and Marketing Strategies of Bumrungrad Hospital

장원, 김경아, 이기효

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze and find out key success factors and marketing strategies of Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The major success factors of Bumrungrad Hospital are as follows; First, Bumrungrad Hospital had professional medical team and board of directors who had the international career. Second, Bumrungrad was supported by Thai government and they were in a cooperative relationship with each other for the development of the medical industry. Third, Bumrungrad appropriately handled the internal and external changes including Asia Financial Crises in 1997 and others. Fourth, Bumrungrad diversified and broaden its business field such as global medical investing and management, medical technology, anti-age medicine and wellness. Marketing strategies of Bumrungrad analyzed are the following four factors. First, Bumrungrad focused on the quality of services by employing professional medical staffs, who have the international certification, and by constructing IT system for hospital management. Second, Bumrungrad has maintained an equalized price policy to attract the customers bothin the domestic and foreign markets. The cost for care has appealed the foreign customers for its comparatively low price, but it focused mainly on the upper middle class in Thailand. Third, it established, managed, and consulted hospitals in the foreign countries including the Philippines and the Arab Emirates. Fourth, it adopted differentiated promotion strategies suitable for the special needs of domestic and foreign customers, and put emphasis on the buzz marketing.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 범룽랏 병원의 성공요인과 마케팅 전략
  1. 태국의 의료관광 정책과 현황
  2. 범룽랏 병원의 성공요인과 마케팅 전략
  3. 범룽랏 병원의 성공요인과 과제
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 장원 Won Jang. 인제대학교 병원전략경영연구소
  • 김경아 Kyung-Ah Kim. 인제대학교 병원전략경영연구소
  • 이기효 Key-Hyo Lee. 인제대학교 보건대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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