

한우 공란우의 발정발현율, 신체 충실 지수(BCS)와 이식가능 수정란과의 관계


Relationship between Estrous Expression, Body Condition Score (BCS) and Transferable Embryos Hanwoo Donors

손준규, 최창용, 조상래, 임현주, 박성재, 백광수, 김상범, 권응기, 정연섭, 복난희, 손동수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between estrous expression, body condition score (BCS), blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and number of transferable embryos for the purpose of improving reproductive performance in blood of Hanwoo donors. Sixty, at random stages of the estrous cycle, received a CIDR. Four days later, the animals were superovulated with a total of 28AU FSH (Antorin, 2AU=1 ml) administered twice daily in constant doses over 4 days. On the 3th administration of FSH, CIDR was withdrawn and 25 mg PGF2α was administered. Cows were artificially inseminated twice after estrous detection at 12 hr intervals. The cows received 100 μg GnRH at the time of 1nd insemination. Embryos were recovered 7 or 8 days after the 1st insemination. The estrous inducement rate and estrous expression rate were significantly lower for cows with BCS below 2.25 than for cows with BCS above 2.25. There was 50.0% of rate of mounting in cows with BCS below 2.25 whereas the rate of mounting was markedly increased in cows with BCS above 2.25 (94.1% and 89.5% for BCS 2.25~2.75 and BCS above 2.75 cows, respectively). Cows with BCS <2.25, 2.25~2.75 and ≥2.75 had number of transferable embryos of 4.5±0.7, 5.9±1.8 and 5.6±2.3 respectively.


 재료 및 방법
  공란우 과배란 처리, 발정 관찰 및 인공수정
  수정란 회수, 평가 및 초음파 검사
  채혈, BCS 측정 및 BUN 분석
 결과 및 고찰


  • 손준규 Jun-Kyu Son. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 최창용 Chang-Yong Choe. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 조상래 Sang-Rae Cho. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 난지축산시험장
  • 임현주 Hyun-Joo Lim. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 박성재 Seong-Jai Park. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 백광수 Kwang-Soo Baek. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 김상범 Sang-Bum Kim. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 권응기 Eung-Gi Kwon. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 정연섭 Yeon-Sub Jung. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 낙농과
  • 복난희 Nan-Hee Bok. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 가축유전자원시험장
  • 손동수 Dong-Soo Son. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 기술지원과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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