

三學兼修와 禪敎融會의 漢巖思想


Combined Practice of Buddhist Trivium and Master Hanam's Doctrine for the Unification of Zen and Doctrine Sect Buddhism

삼학겸수와 선교융회의 한암사상


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Master Bahng Hanam Sunim has taken an unique position in modern times of Korean Buddhism. He was the First Chief Master Sunim of Cho-Gyeo sect in 1941. His doctrinal feature was different from that of the traditional Korean Buddhism.
Master Bahng Hanam Sunim tried to keep guard around the sect group during his role of Chief Master Sunim of Cho-Gyeo sect Buddhism. That is, his activities pursued a protection of the Cho-Gyeo sect Buddhism spirit. We can find out his efforts in the Buddhist Monk's Five Principles and the Temple's Clear Rules stipulated by himself. The Buddhist Monk's Five Principles show his suggestion of the rules that Buddhist Monk should be obeyed. The Five Principles consist of the practice of Zen meditation, the silent reading of the sutras, the prayer to Buddha, the Buddhist ceremony, the protection of a Buddhist monastery. The Buddhist Monk's Five Principles were coherently emphasized toward the Buddhist Monks stayed around Odae mountain practice division which includes Woljung Temple, Sangwon Temple, and etc. Master Bahng Hanam Sunim emphasized those principles in order to protect the traditional Korean Buddhism from the invasion of the Japanese Buddhism during the period. And we can find out the uniqueness of Zen meditation practice in his suggestion of the Temple's Clear Rules, which were addressed in the meditation practicing room of Gunbong Temple. The Temple's Clear Rules show the detailed indications of Zen meditation practitioner's attitudes, rules, and etc.
We can find out the special feature of his doctrinal aspect from his suggestion for the combined practices of Buddhist trivium and for the unification of Zen and Doctrine sect Buddhism. He emphasized the combined practices of Buddhist trivium, which consist of the practice of commandment, the practice of equanimity, and the practice of wisdom. And he made his efforts in unifying the Zen sect tradition of Buddhism and the Doctrine sect tradition of Buddhism. These special features of his doctrinal aspects were inherited from his Master Sunim, Kyung Heo who emphasized the combined practices of the equanimity and the wisdom. Furthermore, again, Master Bahng Hanam Sunim's doctrinal aspect were inherited from that of Mater Sunim, Bojo Jinul. Namely, Master Bahng Hanam Sunim's doctrinal aspect was the modern transformation of Mater Bojo Jinu Sunim's suggestion for the combined practices of the equanimity and the wisdom. This modern transformation was represented by the association center of the three mountain practice divisions. The association center was founded for the re-education of the main body of Buddhist monks who stayed in Woljung Temple, Youjum Temple, and Gunbong Temple. It was obviously shown the succession of Mater Bojo Jinul Sunim's suggestion for the combined practices of the equanimity and the wisdom in the purpose of that association center's education schedule. Thus, Master Bahng Hanam Sunim's doctrinal aspect represented by emphasizing the combined practice of Buddhist trivium and making efforts to unify Zen and Doctrine Sect Buddhism. Therefore, we can say that, it was the modern transformation of traditional Korean Buddhist doctrine which has been inherited from the doctrine of Mater Sunim, Kyung Heo and that of Mater Sunim, Bojo Jinul.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 宗團守護者로서의 初代宗正
 Ⅲ. 修鍊所의 敎育意義와 禪敎의 融合
 Ⅳ. 맺는 말


  • 혜거 Ven. Hyeo-Ghu. 금강선원 원장, 탄허불교문화재단 이사장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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