

정토삼부경에 나타난 불화도상의 연구


A study on the icons of buddist art of 'chungtosambu-kyung'


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This is the study of the icons of Buddist art that relates to Amita's belief which has the significant place in the Buddhist art history of Korea until now.
By going through above method of the study, the summing up content of Amita's Buddhist art study can be described as below.
Firstly, the bibles that describe the history of Amita & the abode world of perfect bliss are called, 'Muryangsu-kyung', 'Kwankuryangsu-kyung', 'Amita-kyung', and they're called 'Chungtosambu-kyung' which was used as 'Soeuikyung-chun'- the basic bible of the Buddhist religion.
The art of Amita's belief are the paintings that have produced based on those 'Chungtosambu-kyung' along with their religion.
Secondly, the reason why the Amita's Buddhist art history study mainly focusing on icon's background is because the Buddhist art is religious art as formed art from the text-bible content.
An inquiry into meaning and truth of finding out how the Buddha's look & his preach was the priority knowledge to understand even before the study of Buddhist art as well as simply giving appreciation to those art pieces.
Upon the research of Buddhist art that was created as the subject of Buddhist religion, it is specially essential task to study for the fact that how it influenced the generations & societies then as well as religious doctrine, and the pattern of Dalma in those days which were the basic background to the creation & the foundation of the religion.
This treatise's main purpose was based on the icon's background of 'Chungtosambu-kyung', but it might not be perfect enough for it had been written in the level of re-sorting though already existed information & the references available on this subject.
Further more, the expectation is there for more systematic & in depth study for Amita's Buddhist art by going thoroughly through the related bible's content.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 『淨土三部經』의 佛畵圖像의 敎學的背景
  1.『無量壽經』의 48大願發願緣起
  2.『觀無量壽經』의 十六觀法說法緣起
  3.『阿彌陀經』의 極樂莊嚴說法緣起
 Ⅲ. 맺음말


  • 법원 Ven. Bub-won. 동국대 대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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