

노자와 불교의 해체철학적 해석


A deconstructive interpretation on Laotze and Buddhism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



If we make a survey of the history of oriental and occidental philosophy regardless of time, to our surprise we might be arrived at a very simple conclusion: there is in effect two kinds of philosophy like constructionism and deconstructionism. The former is related to philosophy of positive action, whereas the latter to philosophy of non-action. Philosophy of action is divided into two sorts of actions:
that is to say both economic-technological action and socio-ethical action. Philosophy of the first action is based on egoism, while that of the second action rooted in anti-egoism. In the history of philosophy, I think it was Kant who at first time has well penetrated simultaneously into the two kinds of tendancies immanent in human action. In fact those two kinds of tendancies are inseparable, so that they are double-faced in one coin. Kant named them as unsociable sociability. As it were, the economic technological action is based on human unsociable action, because it is inevitably derived from egoism.
On the contrary the socio-ethical action is officially affirmed like sociable action pointing out anti-egoism.
In a word, Kant is a great philosopher of positive action. He is eager to change the world both technically and morally. His philosophy of positive action is also based on reason. Positive action in economy-technique and its theoretical reason have been getting a great material progress on the world in exchange for twisting and torturing it. Such an action has brought us a lot of conveniences. But socio-ethical action and its practical reason has poured meanwhile much effort to change morally the world. But the result is not so successful. The reason why it is not so effective is on the fact that practical reason is functioning on reasonable consciousness, while human egoism is placed on the unconscious. So reasonable consciousness is not able to overcome the unconscious desire. The theoretical reason of positive action has come to an enormous development, but it is even growing larger and larger in piling up the very thick and heavy karma of ego-consciousness in exchange for devastating ecologically our world. On the other side the practical reason is enforcing more and more only in the name of moral justification a formal moral obligation without bringing remarkably effective result into reality. So we affirm that philosophy of reason and positive action is filled up in reality with the will to domination or the will to power.


Ⅰ. 能爲철학과 無爲철학
 Ⅱ. 無와 有의 해석
 Ⅲ. 差延으로서의 道
 Ⅳ. 세상의 지배자가 아닌 正見者로서의 聖人
 Ⅴ. 모든 가치를 유보하는 道


  • 김형효 Kim, Hyong-hyo. 한국정신문화연구원 철학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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