

김탄허의 교육과 그 성격


Kim, Tanhur's Education and its Characteristics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper summarizes Kim, Tanhur's activities of education and its characteristics. The main point is to analyze the contents of Kim, Tanhur's Sambonsayunhap monk center, monasteries in Odaesan and Youngeunsa. Yet considering the weight that the center and monastery have in Kim's life, the characteristic in this paper can be general for Kim's education. Main points are as follows.
First, Kim, Tanhur's education succeeded to the spirit and Buddhist thought of Bang, Hanam in a micro point of view. It comes from Sambonsayunhap monk center which was established during the Japanese ruling. The direction which practice both meditation and sutra also follows Bang, Hanam's tradition. So does his emphasis oftemple management and labors.
Second, Kim, Tanhur's balance between meditation and sutra, and success of Bang, Hanam signifies recreation of Jinul's compact of samadhi and prajna. This is presented that the doctrine of the Odaesan monastery was practice of samadhi and prajna. That is, it means the present transference of the compact of samadhi and prajna.
Third, Kim, Tanhur's education put an emphasis on balance between meditation and sutra. Adding the importance of precept in the Odaesan monastery, it becomes balance of the three, precept, samadhi and prajna.
Fourth, Kim's balance accompanies making progress of monks' qualification during the purification period under Japanese ruling. It was that Kim took charge of the education of monks, which was supposed to be taken by the Buddhist order those days.
Fifth, it was Hwaum sutra which was regarded most important in Kim, Tanhur's education. Although he read and taught various sutras in the monasteries, he regarded Hwaum sutra as significant; It was realized in the monasteries, and his relation with Hwaum sutra lasts for his whole life.
Sixth, Kim, Tanhur's education made Hwaum sutra basis, but his thought comes from the east studies. It is because his thought is said the mixture or total of confucianism, buddhism and seon. Seventh, Kim, Tanhur's education exposed elite consciousness. What was consistent in the center and monastery was elitism. Eighth, Kim, Tanhur's education was characterized by its openness.
He was confident in that he gave education priority rather than emphasis on precepts.
Above are the summaries of characteristics of Kim, Tanhur's education. However, analysis and interpretation needs more various approaches.


Ⅰ. 서언
 Ⅱ. 삼본사연합승려수련소의 설립과 참여
  1. 수련소의 설립
  2. 수련소의 교육, 경전의 회통
 Ⅲ. 오대산수도원의 개설과 교육
  1. 수도원의 개설
  2. 수도원의 해체와 재기
 Ⅳ. 결어 ; 그 성격의 모색


  • 김광식 Kim, Kwang-shik. 부천대 교양과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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