

喪葬禮에 나타난 往生彌陀淨土행법 - 한국 所傳行法의 형태적 측면을 중심으로 -


Funeral rites for rebirth in the Pure Land of Amitābha - Base on the 'Transmitted Korean Traditional Ritual'

상장례에 나타난 왕생미타정토행법 - 한국 소전행법의 형태적 측면을 중심으로 -

문정각, 김재일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sentient beings in this SahāWorld generally have polluted, scattered by suffering, fear and dread. That's why the beings who aspire to be born the Pure Land, where free from the cycle of suffering, fear and dread. The term Sukhāatīrefers etymologically 'the place of pleasure'. Generally speaking, it is the usage for the Buddha Amitāha presiding over Pure Land is designated as Western Paradise. Here, the word Amita is derived from the beverage of immortality, i.e., Soma. Hence it is that the term Amita in the sense of infinite life and deathless, then the word Mara can be used the opposite sense of death.
At the time of death, people can be utilize two different junctions for life. One gate that he enters once again the state of the cyclical life. Whereas by following another junction, he may able to enter the realm of Sukhāatīin which beings are to be free from all Samsaric sufferings as it explained in thought of Western Pure Land or the Amitāha faith.
The present author has studying about the Buddhist way of funeral rites which includes the ceremony for rebirth in Sukhāatīof Amitāha Buddha which includes in the 'Transmitted Korean Traditional Ritual'. In the 'Ceremony for Rebirth in Amitāha's Pure Land', I found the following lines. Deathbed ceremony is regarding to the Amitāur-dhyāa-Sūtra and ritual norm of 'Ceremony for' A twelve-fascicle commentary on Shabun-ryul' by Dosen and 'Explaination for a Rebith in Sukhavati through Right Awarness' by Seondo. By the bases of those texts 'Yebulyangsaengmun'(禮念往生文) in 'Yimjongibnyembulsig'( 爲臨終人念佛式) stands to attain its establishment in the period of Joson Dynasty, The funeral rites which is known 'Sitarim' has performed in relation to the five Buddhas - the four Buddhas in the four directions and Mahavirocana, who occupies the central position -with the five directions by paying homage. There was practice for death man in term of reciting sutra, invoking twelve different names of the Buddha Amitāha. In case of 'the traditional Buddhist way of funeral rites'(茶毘儀禮) 'Dubukmyunsu'(頭北面西), ceremony for the five directions of Buddhas, Amitāha' twelve name and ten recooection popularly have been taught and practiced. The use of attending Amitāha in 'wonbulyeun'(願佛輦) and 'Inrowangbun'(引露王幡) at the funeral rites of 'dabi'(茶毘) underlay the thought of 'Amitāha holy company will manifest themselves in front of the deathbed'(臨終來迎).
Moreover, the invoking Amitāha by means of chanting, teachings regarding how to make offerings as well as the verse of rebirth in the Pure Land, verses used to sing the praise of the Buddha and the thought of immediate rebirth in the Pure Land can be found in our contemporary in Korean Buddhist ceremonies.


I. 緖言
 II. 喪葬禮에 나타난 往生彌陀淨土행법
  1. 臨終儀禮
  2. 尸陀林
  3. 茶毘儀禮
 Ⅲ. 結語


  • 문정각 동국대 불교대학원 장례문화학과 강사
  • 김재일 동산반야회 회장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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