

淨土諸師의 禮懺에 대한 小考


A Study on Vow by Pure land Masters

정토제사의 예참에 대한 소고

이태원, 김용환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nāgārjuna, who completed the thought of Mahayana, pays respect for all Buddhas Damran recognized only Amita Buddha and the people of Pure land Seondo first vows Sakyamuni Buddha an three treasures, then focusing Amita Buddha, clearly designating sixth time a day. The next vow is done with reciting the names of Bodhisattvas of Pure land. All the vow is based on penitence. the characteristic of which comes from the recognition of the evil of world, people, view, and passion, and no good people. Modern Jawun who was under influence of modern Buddhist thought, vowed the three treasure existing all universe, with focus on Amita Buddha. What made him special is that he also mentioned 25 Bodhisattvas of Pure land, who did not appear on Damran or Seondo, and Manjusri, Maitreya, and those who were in existence such as Nāgārjuna, Acvaghosha, and Cheonchin, and Sakyamuni's disciples like Kasyapa, Ananda and Sariputa. He was different with other Pure land Masters like Damran or Seondo and Dojak, in that his thoght includes moving the dead into Pure land by Samsigaeyumbulsa, and that he conducted esoteric mantra.


Ⅰ. 문제의 소재
 Ⅱ. 용수의 예참
 Ⅲ. 담란의 예참
 Ⅳ. 선도의 예참
 Ⅴ. 근대사 가운데 慈雲律師의 정토예참
 Ⅵ. 맺는 말


  • 이태원 Lee, Jung-mo. 중앙승가대 불교학과 교수
  • 김용환 부산대학교 인문대 철학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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