

『선문염송』의 편찬에 관한 연구


A Study on the compilation of 『The Seon Mun Yeom Song』(禪門拈頌)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis studies about the compilation of The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) which is a basis for the Korean Buddhism during The Military Regime. The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) contains the thought and view of literature of Hye Sim(慧諶, 1178-1234) who was a disciple of Chinul(知訥, 1158-1210) and expanded and deepened the idea of his master. The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) led so many disciples to the state of an excellent dharma by the symbolic language of Yeom(拈) and Song(頌). I studied about publications of seon books which was based on The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) and about how The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) has been used for seon disciples, how it has influenced them, what kinds of processes seon thought has been formed.
The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) was published with 30 volumes, 1125 cases in 1226, Hye sim(慧諶) asked Gak Yun(覺雲) to write stories. But a war between Mongolia and korean caused The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) to disapper, therefore, The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) was re-make with adding 347 cases.
However, The Seon Mun Yeom Song Shul Hua Hui Ben(禪門拈頌說話會本) was published with 1463 cases, so many people doubt where other 9 cases are. In 1243, With The Man Zong(萬宗)'s economic supports, reprinted Yeom Song Jip(拈頌集) was included in Tripitaka Korean.
The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) was analyzed as consistency in its formation and characteristic.
① The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) is consisted of the system of three treasures of buddha, dharma, and sangha.
② In the system of treasures of dharma, the sutra is related to the sutra of seon sect.
③ In the system of treasures of sangha, patriarches from Xi Tian (西天) and Xi Tian(西天)'s enlightened saint with no relation to Zhuan deng(傳燈) appear.
④ The Seon Mun Yeom Song(禪門拈頌) considers Yeom(拈) and Song(頌), contents of questions and answers more important than Zhuan deng Si Shu(傳燈史書)


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ.『禪門拈頌』의 편찬과정
  1.『禪門拈頌』의 문헌적 성립과 전개
  2.『禪門拈頌』의 구성
 Ⅲ.『禪門拈頌』이 고려후기 선종에 미친 영향
  1.『禪門拈頌』을 底本으로 한 禪書
  2. 후대에 미친 영향
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 이영석 Lee, Young-seok. 동국대 선학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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