

정토사상과 한국의 詩文法


The thought of the pure land and the grammar of Korean poetry

임기중, 한보광

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is to investigate the relation between the thought of pure land and the formation of the grammar of Korean poetry. It does not intend to assert that all the Korean way of thinking has come from the thought of pure land, and that the grammar of Korean poetry has only made out of the thought of pure land. This study is to review what kind of organic relations do exist between the Korean way of thinking and the thought of pure land, and the grammar of Korean poetry and the thought of pure land. Hence, some of the subjects which are explored in the paper are as follows.
First, the Korean thought of pure land, from its beginning, seems to relate to the Korean way of thinking and the circumstantial logic. The tendency that the indian pure land
thought is based on "Banjusammae" sutra, Chinese on "Kwan muryang su" sutra, and Korean on "Muryangsu" sutra, may be a counterevidence of the matter.
Second, Korean popular way of thinking and the compact of the invocation seem to be related to each other in a structural aspect of the way of thinking, and the Korean compact of the invocation has a characteristic of Korean way of thinking. In the Korean compact of the invocation, the number of days such as 'ten-thousand day' is regarded to be important, because in the Korean way of thinking, 'ten-thousand day' is a symbolic word for modesty and endurance, representing the 'consistent repeat and incessant continuity.' In addition, the limited Buddhist concept of time may bring the numbers.
Third, in the Korean thought of pure land, there are coming pure land and going pure land, the former is considered as Mireuk pure land, the latter as Mita pure land. In such a way, was the 'Dosolga' for the coming pure land created, and 'Wanwangsangga' and 'Jaemangmaga' for the going pure land.
Fourth, the Korean thought of pure land has made some contribution in expanding the Korean 'I' thinking to 'you' and 'we' thinking. Such clues are present in the Buddhist words for saving the people in many songs.
Fifth, in the Korean thought of pure land, the horizontal thinking as 'west' seems to play a role in expanding the width of Korean symbol of utopia to the side. As such, the Korean thought of pure land has made Korean's power of imagination much more extensive and be theorized as well.
Sixth, the Korean thought of pure land created a new grammar of Korean poetry, and it may be called the grammar of 'eye-placing word' in Korean poetry.
Finally, the Korean thought of pure land created 'continually spreading to the side' in the method of Korean poetry.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 정토사상의 전개와 한국인의 생각하기
  Ⅱ-1. 衆口鑠金과 念佛結社
  Ⅱ-2. 오는 정토와 가는 정토
  Ⅱ-3. 나의 정토와 우리의 정토
  Ⅱ-4. 수평적 정토와 樂園表象
 Ⅲ. 정토사상과 한국의 시문법
  Ⅲ-1. 呪歌의 시문법
  Ⅲ-2. 點眼語만들어 놓기의 시문법
  Ⅲ-3. 계속 옆으로 벌이기의 시문법
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 임기중 Lim, Key-zung. 동국대 국문과 교수
  • 한보광 동국대 선학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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