A Study on Economic Effect of Wood Industry for Construction of Industrial Estate on North Port in Incheon
Incheon Port has many advantages for import of log and timber for furniture. More than 50% of lumber which was imported is through Incheon Port. However, most companies move and set up their business by taking lease of workshop. Because of expensive cost of transportation, it is suggested to construct a lumber Industrial district in the North Port in Incheon. By researching the national plans about the North Port and Incheon Ports, an adequate acquaintance of lumber industry in Incheon has been realized. This study conducted the economic effect analysis for lumber industry clustering and the necessity of cluster composition is derived. Then effectiveness analysis for lumber industry cluster composition is sequentially operated.
1. 서론
2. 국가 및 상위 관련계획 조사
2.1 제 4차 국토종합계획 수정계획
2.2 전국무역항 항만기본계획 수정계획
2.3 인천광역시 도시기본계획 2025
2.4 제 3차 전국 항만기본계획 (2011 --2020)
2.5 인천 북항 배후단지 관련 조사
3. 인천지역 목재산업이 지역경제에 미치는 파급효과 분석
3.1 인천지역 목재산업 현황 조사
3.2 인천지역 경제구조 분석
3.3 인천지역 목재산업의 산업연관효과 분석
4. 인천지역 목재산업의 클러스터화를 위한 고찰
4.1 목재산업 클러스터 필요성 조사
4.2 목재산업단지 조성에 따른 기대 효과 분석
5. 결론 및 향후 연구과제
6. 참고문헌