A Study on Measurement Error Reduction of Indoor and Outdoor Location Determination in Fingerprint Method
Location-Based Service(LBS) is a service that provides a variety of convenience in life using location information that can be obtained by mobile communication network or satellite signal. In order to provide LBS precisely and efficiently, we need the location determination technology, platform technology and server technology. In this study, we studied on how we can reduce the error on location determination of objects such people and things. Fingerprint location determination method was applied to this study because it can be used at current wireless communication infrastructure and less influenced by a variety of noisy environment than other location determination methods. We converted the probability value to logarithmic scale value because using the sum of k probability values is not suitable to be applied to weight determination. In order to confirm the performance of suggested method, we developed location determination test program with Visual Basic 6.0 and performed the test. According to indoor and outdoor test results, the suggested stochastic method reduced the distance error by 17%, 18% and 9% respectively at indoor environment and 25%, 11% and 4% at outdoor environment compared with deterministic NN, kNN and kWNN fingerprint methods.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 위치인식 기술 구분
2.2 Fingerprint 방법
2.3 Fingerprint 방법의 분류
3. Fingerprint 측위 오차 감소 방안
3.1 확률론적 알고리즘을 적용한 Fingerprint 측위방법
3.2 확률값의 log-scale 변환
4. 알고리즘 결과 분석
4.1 테스트 장비 및 프로그램
4.2 테스트 환경
4.3 테스트 결과 분석
5. 결론 및 향후 연구과제
6. 참고문헌
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