The Study of Building a Learning Organization and Cross-evaluation between Companies applied DLOQ (Focusing on Samsung Electronics F team practices)
Learning Organization is a learning based community to make the most important value in the era of Knowledge Economy, Creation. That's why people share, facilitate personal, individual's knowledge & experience systems each other and make good thoughts & ideas in the organization. This study measures the building practices having conducted the F team in Samsung electronics using DLOQ that indicates the activate degree of Learning Organization and the quantitative degrees of Learning Organization through comparing the cross-evaluation between the already measured companies in addition to analyzing the F team's success factors. Learning Organization requires sustainable and continuous activity, not completes by changing many factors with human resources. The study will have the achievement if we measure the successful activity through global companies built a Learning Organization and facilitate the improvement activity sustainably.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 이론적 배경
1.3 DLOQ의 정의
2. 연구방법
2.1 연구모형
2.2 연구대상 및 설문 방법
2.3 통계분석방법
3. 연구결과
3.1 표본 특성
3.2 요인분석
3.3 신뢰도 분석
3.4 DLOQ 측정결과
3.5 기업간 비교 결과
3.6 F팀의 성공요인(CSF)상관관계 분석
4. 결론
4.1 연구결과
4.2 향후 연구방향
5. 참고문헌