The Effects of Success Factors of Six Sigma on the Management Performance
This Purpose of this paper is to suggest the effects of success factors of six sigma on the management performance. This dissertation deal with key factors that led to successful implementation through existing literature. Therefore, this major success factors of six sigma revealed performance of cost reduction and improving quality. This study is empirical analysis the effects of six sigma performance of cost reduction and improving quality)on the management performance(profitability, growth, market value). The results of this study, six sigma quality performance turns out to have positive(+) effect on the all management performance.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 6시그마의 개념과 의미
2.2 6시그마 경영의 특성과 적용사례
2.3 6시그마 성공요인 및 성과에 대한 고찰
3. 연구모형의 설계
3.1 연구의 모형
3.2 가설의 설정
3.3 변수의 조작적 정의
4. 실증분석
4.1 품질성과 변수의 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증
4.2 가설 검증
5. 결론
6. 참고문헌