Analysis of Somatotype Characteristic according to Dividing Line of District on High School Girls
There are two parts(middle and southern) according to dividing line of district in Korea. Middle part contains Kang Won, Chung Chung, Gyeong Gi, Seoul, In Cheon and Dae Jeon. Southern part contains Gyeong Sang, Jeol La, Je Ju, Bu San, Dae Gu, Ul San, and Gwang Ju. It is known that there are some differences between middle and southern part on weather. The climatic differences might affect human body. Thus, the mall objective of this study is to analyze effects of climatic differences which influence somatotype characteristics on residents in two regions. In order to compare and analyze data, Rohrer index and drop-value were used. Also, this paper provides typical ratios according to dividing line of district.
1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
2.1 연구 대상
2.2 분석 방법
3. 연구 결과 및 고찰
3.1 Rohrer Index 분석 결과
3.2 Drop-Value 분석 결과
3.3 BSA와 Ratio 분석 결과
4. 결론 및 추후 연구
5. 참고문헌