


DEA 기법을 활용한 안전관리자의 운영 효율성 평가


A Study on the Efficiency Analysis for the Operations of the Safety Patrol applying the DEA Approach

유우연, 장서일, 강경식, 이동훈, 이경식, 조영도

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



All of the city gas companies in Korea must employ the gas safety patrols by law. The gas safety patrols are responsible for the various tasks including daily gas pipeline patrol to prevent gas accidents. Since the size of jurisdiction varies among the city gas companies, it is very difficult to compare their efficiency for the operations of the safety patrol each other directly. The objective of this research is to develop the methodology to analyze and compare the efficiency of the safety patrol's operations among various city gas companies. Several factors that are related to the safety patrol's duty on the gas safety factors were identified and DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) model for efficiency analysis was developed. Finally, the DEA model was applied to the collected data from six city gas companies. The less efficient city gas companies can benchmark the higher efficient city gas companies in order to improve the safety control systems.


 1. 서론
 2. 효율성 측정방법 및 DEA의 선행연구
 3. 안전관리자의 운영 효율성 평가를 위한 DEA 모형
  3.1 DEA 기본 개념
  3.2 DEA 모형
  3.3 투입변수와 산출변수의 선정
 4. DEA 모형의 적용 및 연구결과 분석
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 유우연 Yooyeon Yu. 명지대학교 산업경영공학과
  • 장서일 Seo-Il Jang. 명지대학교 중소기업직업훈련컨소시엄센터
  • 강경식 Kyung Sik Kang. 명지대학교 안전경영연구소
  • 이동훈 Dong Hoon Lee. 한국가스안전공사
  • 이경식 Kyung Sik Lee. 한국가스안전공사)
  • 조영도 Young Do Jo. 한국가스안전공사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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