


종이 혼합 콘크리트의 내화특성 실험연구


Experimental Study on the Fire Resistant Capacity of Waste Paper-Mixed Concrete

조병헌, 손기상

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to find out if it can be recycled for making better concrete. Therefore, waste paper as of newspaper and newspaper are added into concrete to see if waste paper-mixing concrete can have any particular characteristic. The test result of paper concrete was compared and analyzed through four kinds of tests such as compressive strength as of a fundamental one of concrete resistant capacity against heat. 200℃, 400℃ and 600℃ heated concrete were compressively tested in order to find out concrete strength resistant to high temperature. heat capacity was also tested, based on the expectancy of its low conductivity. finally flexural strength test using four reinforced concrete beams with size of 20cmx30cmx160cm was made. And concrete property exposed to the temperature showed that there are almost not effect for the strength up to 400℃, but it was decreased down to 50% of the original condition. volume of paper mixed with concrete without relation to paper kinds of new and waste one.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험계획 및 이론검토
  2.1 종이의 특성
  2.2 실험계획
  2.3 고온 노출시 콘크리트 강도특성
 3. 실험결과
 4. 분석 및 고찰
  4.1 종이혼입 콘크리트의 압축ㆍ인장ㆍ휨감도분석
  4.2 종이혼입 콘크리트의 고온 노출시 콘크리트압축강도분석
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 조병헌 Byung Heon CHO. 서울산업대학교 안전공학과
  • 손기상 Ki Sang SON. 서울산업대학교 안전공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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