

대ㆍ중소기업 상생협력 관점에서의 중소기업 품질혁신 운동에 관한 연구 - 싱글PPM 운동을 중심으로 -


A Study on Quality Innovation Movements of the Small & Medium-sized Company within the Framework of the cooperation with the Large-sized Company - Focused on the Single PPM Movement -

김주미, 장영순

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Quality management has been applied to the industry for strengthening the competitiveness regardless of the size of company. However, it has been argued that the operational models for quality management used in the large-sized enterprise could not be applied to the small & medium-sized enterprise (SME) directly. This paper analyzes the states and outcomes of movements for quality innovation in the SME and tries to give some suggestions for improving and spreading the movements within the framework of the cooperation with the large sized company. Survey results show that the preferable quality movements depends on the size of company. Especially, the Single PPM movement is most preferable in the SME. It contributes th decreasing the fraction defective and to vitalizing the communication and cooperation between large-sized company and SME.


 1. 서론
 2. 중소기업의 품질혁신 활동
  2.1 중소기업 품질혁신 활동의 실태
  2.2 중소기업 품질혁신 활동의 성과
 3. 품질혁신과 대ㆍ중소기업의 상생협력
 4. 중소기업 품질 향상 프로그램의 개선방향
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 김주미 Kim Ju Mi. 중소기업연구원 연구위원
  • 장영순 Chang Young Soon. 명지대학교 경영학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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