

BSC에 근거한 팀제 운영 성과측정


Teams Operation Performance Evaluation based on BSC

유진성, 윤성필, 조태연, 김창수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many corporations are accepting various kinds of business reform techniques to be adapted and overcome in this e-Business period. Among these techniques, team-organization is selected most in person/organization field. The introduction of team-organization is more needed and spread, so many corporations actually constructed team-organization formation form. But the result has not been active. Therefore after team-organization is introduced to improve the performance evaluation of team management, the result of team management performance should be correctly measured to find out and settle the problems of team-organization. The purpose of this research presents the development of the model of team-management performance evaluation and the method of the proper measurement based on BSC.


 1. 서론
 2. 팀제 운영 성과측정에 대한 고찰
  2.1 팀제 운영 성과측정의 필요성
  2.2 팀제 운영 성과측정시스템
 3. BSC에 근거한 팀제 운영 성과측정 모델
 4. BSC에 근거한 팀제 운영 성과측정 모델의 적용 : K공기업
  4.1 K공기업의 KPI도출 및 인과관계 파악
  4.2 계량 지표의 성과측정 및 결과분석
  4.3 비계량 지표의 성과측정 및 결과분석
  4.4 성과측정 결과에 근거한 인관관계 분석 결과
  4.5 데이터마이닝을 이용한 팀제 운영 성과측정 결과
  4.6 종합분석
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 유진성 Yoo Jin Seong. 성균관대학교 품질혁신센터 연구원
  • 윤성필 Yoon Seong Pil. 삼성전자, 한국능률협회컨설팅
  • 조태연 Cho Tae Yeon. LG전자 R&D 역량개발팀
  • 김창수 Kim Chang Soo. 오산대학 산업경영학과 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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