A Study on the Managerial Factors to the Enterprise's Information Productivity
In general one can find an enormous number of studies about the productivity of land, labor and capital, very little has been done so far to communicate about the productivity of corporate information creating and information-consuming resources in ways that are useful to business executives. In view of the enormous share of corporate spending on information resources it would be useful in planning, budgeting, as well as in performance evaluation to measure how information resources are used in creating EVA(economic value-added). The effectiveness in deploying information resources has potentially a greater effect on corporate financial performance than any other economic influence. That in because corporate executives have greater discretion in directing what their information management staffs will do than in setting the terms for materials purchases, employee compensation, taxes or interest rates. The expenses for information are mostly in the form of overhead costs. Because expenses for information are mostly overhead costs and not for costs of goods, the prudent decision-maker should have a wide array of discretionary options available for allocating this resource. This study is intended for analysis the factors that having effects on the enterprise information productivity and is to description the factor using a foreign enterprise case study.
1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 정보생산성에 대한 고찰
2.2 연구가설 설정
2.3 실증조사 및 가설검증
3. 결론
4. 참고문헌