A Study on Safety of the Radiation Exposure Dose Optimization at Chest B-ray Examinations
The National Health Insurance Act, the Industrial Health Act and the School Health Act require chest radiography at least once a year. In chest radiographic examination, most group examinations use indirect X-ray primarily aiming at diagnosing diseases and enhancing people's health. This study purposed to minimize radiation exposure dose by comparing it between direct and indirect chest X-ray studies. According to the result of comparing and analyzing radiation exposure dose, the average incident dose and penetrating dose were 0.929μGy and 0.179μGy respectively in direct chest X-ray and 6.807μGy and 1.337μGy in indirect chest X-ray In order to minimize radiation exposure dose at direct and indirect chest X-ray, indirect X-ray should be excluded from group examination if possible. Moreover, it is necessary to control the quality of equipment (Q/A & Q/C) systematically and to avoid using unqualified equipment in order to reduce radiation exposure dose.
1. 서론
2. 흉부 X-선 간접촬영의 의의
2.1 흉부 X-선 진단방법
3. 진단용 X-선 장치의 이용
3.1 방사선의 직업피폭과 일반피폭 준위
4. 흉부 X-선 직ㆍ간접장치의 선량비교
4.1 실험장비
4.2 실험방법
4.3 실험 결과
5. 결론 및 제언
6. 참고문헌