


식품제조업체에 대한 PL 대응체제로서 HACCP 시스템의 고찰


Review for HACCP system to PL infrastructure in Food Manufacturing

김주홍, 이승정, 임현교

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the life standard has enhanced, food products has incomparably advanced both in quality and variety to meet the consumer's choice. Despite of high quality and variety, appropriate food safety system has not been established yet in food manufacturing. With Product Liability issuance effective on July 2002, consumers are demanding far higher food safety level than what it used to be. The food manufacturers are seeking food safety assurance system. HACCP system is a pivotal product safety system providing the infrastructure to PL. By the time in the early 1970 when HACCP was developed suitable for food, it comprised the category of Risk, in fact it was quantitative sequence system. In a preparatory phase of HACCP, decision mostly depends on the quantitative analysis. In a recent study, the introduction of Risk Analysis is being reviewed for Food Safety system. In this study, FTA, FMEA are also reviewed in comparison with HACCP which have been utilized in Safety Engineering.


 1. 서론
 2. HACCP 시스템의 개요
  2.1 HACCP 시스템의 개념
  2.2 기존 위생관리 체제와 HACCP 시스템
  2.3 HACCP 시스템의 12절차
  2.4 CCP 의 선정방법
 3. HACCP 시스템과 Systematic Safety Approach
  3.1 Systematic Safety 분석기법과의 비교
  3.2 HACCP 시스템과 Risk Analysis
 4. HACCP 시스템의 고찰
  4.1 HACCP 시스템의 도입에 따른 고려사항
  4.2 PL 대응체제로서의 HACCP 시스템
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 김주홍 Kim, Joo Hong. 충북대학교 대학원 안전공학과 박사과정
  • 이승정 Lee Seong Jeung. 한국능률협회 컨설팅 컨설턴트
  • 임현교 Lim Hyun Kyo. 충북대학교 안전공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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