

유전알고리듬을 이용한 양면.혼합모델 조립라인 밸런싱


A Study on the Two-sided and Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithm

이내형, 조남호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this thesis presents line balancing problems of two-sided and mixed model assembly line widely used in practical fields using genetic algorithm for reducing throughput time, cost of tools and fixtures and improving flexibility of assembly lines. Two-sided and mixed model assembly line is a special type of production line where variety of product similar in product characteristics are assembled in both sides. This thesis proposes the genetic algorithm adequate to each step in tow-sided and mixed model assembly line with suitable presentation, individual, evaluation function, selection and genetic parameter. To confirm proposed genetic algorithm, we apply to increase the number of tasks in case study. And for evaluation the performance of proposed genetic algorithm, we compare to existing algorithm of one-sided and mixed model assembly line. The results show that the algorithm is outstanding in the problems with a larger number of stations or larger number of tasks.


 1. 서론
 2. 양면ㆍ혼합모델 조립라인 밸런싱의 효율화
  2.1 기호정의
  2.2 양면ㆍ혼합모델 조립라인 밸런싱
  2.3 표현
  2.4 개체해석
  2.5 평가함수
  2.6 선별
  2.7 유전연산자
  2.8 알고리듬 수행절차
 3. 실험 및 분석
 4. 결론
 5. 참고문헌


  • 이내형 Lee Nae Hyung. 서일대학 산업시스템경영과
  • 조남호 Cho Nam ho. 건국대 학교 산업공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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