Distributed Genetic Algorithms for the TSP
Parallel Genetic Algorithms partition the whole population into several sub-populations and search the optimal solution by exchanging the information each others periodically. Distributed Genetic Algorithm, one of Parallel Genetic Algorithms, divides a large population into several sub-populations and executes the traditional Genetic Algorithm on each sub-population independently. And periodically promising individuals selected from sub-populations are migrated by following the migration interval and migration rate to different sub-populations. In this paper, for the Travelling Salesman Problems, we analyze and compare with Distributed Genetic Algorithms using different Genetic Algorithms and using same Genetic Algorithms on each separated sub-population The simulation result shows that using different Genetic Algorithms obtains better results than using same Genetic Algorithms in Distributed Genetic Algorithms. This results look like the property of rapidly searching the approximated optima and keeping the variety of solution make interaction in different Genetic Algorithms.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 순회 판매원문제 (Traveling Salesman Problem)
2.2 분산 유전알고리즘
2.3 CoPDEB(Co-operating population with different evolution behaivours)
2.4 염색체 표현
2.4 교차연산자 : OX연산자와 GSX 연산자
2.5 돌연변이 연산자 : 역치 연산자와 확률적 연산자
3. 실험 결과 및 분석
4. 결론
5. 참고문헌