A Comparative Review of the International Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems for Global Standardization
This article is concerned with various aspects of establishing the global standard for occupational safety and health management system (OHSMS). The notion, main features, and brief history of the OHSMS are presented. The OHSAS 18000, its assets and liabilities, are reviewed as a prototype of the global standard. It is also addressed the possibility of combining ISO 9000(quality management system), 14000(environmental management system) and the OHSMS into the integrated management system (IMS) as a whole. The concepts of internal and external customers are presented to explain why the environment, safety and health should be incorporated into the notion of total quality 'Participation of the members' and 'standardization of the 4Ms (Man, Machine, Materials and Method)'are emphasized as the major enablers of the IMS. Finally, the industrial, academic and governmental roles are discussed for developing the IMS and setting it down into the Korean industries.
1. 서론
2. 산업안전보건 경영시스템
2.1 산업안전보건 경영시스템의 개요
2.2 OHSMS 도입에 따른 효과
2.3 OHSMS 국제표준화관련 국내외 동향
3. 선진국의 국가별 산업안전보건 경영 및 인증 체계
3.1 미국의 자율안전보건프로그램 (VPP)
3.2 영국의 BS 8800
3.3 일본의 노동안전위생 메니지먼트 시스템
3.4 우리 나라의 KOSHA 2000 프로그램
3.5 향후의 국제표준화 진행방향
4. 통합 경영시스템
4.1 통합 경영시스템의 개요
4.2 품질, 환경, 안전의 개념 통합
4.3 IMS 의 장점
5. 대응방안
5.1 산업체
5.2 학계 (산업공학 및 시스템공학 분야)
5.3 정부
6. 결론
7. 참고문헌