

다구찌 방법을 이용한 β-carotene 대량생산의 최적환경 조건 결정


The Optimal Parameter Decision of β carotene Mass Production Using Taguchi Method

조용욱, 박명규



The Robust Design method uses a mathematical tool called orthogonal arrays to study a large number of decision variables with a small number of experiments. It also uses a new measure of quality, called signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, to predict the quality from the customer's perspective. Thus, the most economical product and process design from both manufacturing and customers' viewpoints can be accomplished at the smallest, affordable development cost. Many companies, big and small, high-tech and low-tech, have found the Robust Design method valuable in making high-quality products available to customers at a low competitive price while still maintaining an acceptable profit margin. A study to analyze and solve problems of a biochemical process experiment has presented in this paper. We have taken Taguchi's parameter design approach, specifically orthogonal array, and determined the optimal levels of the selected variables through analysis of the experimental results using S/N ratio.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험의 적용환경 구축
  2.1 기존실험의 고찰
  2.2 실험에 사용된 세포 배양기
  2.3 직교배열표에 대한 인자의 배치
 3. 실험결과의 분석 및 확인실험
  3.1 실험의 설계
  3.2 실험결과의 분석
  3.3 최적조건의 결정과 확인실험
 4. 결론


  • 조용욱 Cho Yong-Wook. 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 전임 연구원
  • 박명규 Park Myung-Kyu. 명지대학교 산업공학과


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