

The Gradient Nature of Syllabic Affiliations of Korean Glides


Yongeun Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study performed several measures of phonotactic probabilities of segment sequences involving two glides in Korean as a measure for distinguishing two contrasting theories regarding glide constituency in Korean (namely, the Onset vs. Nucleus Hypothesis). Specifically, I compared the phonotactic probabilities for C(onsonant)-Glide vs. Glide-Vowel; similarly, I compared C-Vowel vs. Glide-Vowel. The prediction is that if the glide is associated to the vowel, the phonotactic probabilities of Glide-Vowel will be systematically higher than those of other sequences. The reverse pattern will appear if the glides are part of onset. The results indicate that (i) in the C+Vowel vs. Glide+Vowel comparison, the general pattern is that the degree of cohesion between a single glide and its following vowel is in general stronger than that between a single non-glide consonant and its following vowel, (ii) in the C+Glide and Glide+Vowel comparison, however, the degree of cohesion between a syllable-initial non-glide consonant and its following glide is in general stronger than that between a syllable-initial glide and its following vowel, but crucially (iii) overall the association strengths between glides and their neighboring segments are highly gradient. Implications of the current findings for the syllabic affiliations of the glides are discussed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Absolute Phonotactic Restrictions Governing Glides inKorean
 3. Probabilistic Phonotactic Restrictions Governing Glidesin Korean
  3.1 Method
  3.2 Comparisons of (non-glide)C+Vowel vs. Glide+VowelSequences
  3.3. C+Glide vs. Glide+Vowel
 4. General Discussions and Conclusion


  • Yongeun Lee Chung-Ang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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